I am sulking today...a lot, actually. They say you should stick to what you're good at and I will admit...I can sulk with the best of them! My miserable existence is prime sulking ground right now. First off, my $300 reimbursement for the dental work I had completed in Mexico in February ended up being a $15.65 reimbursement. Why should my luck change now, right? So, I was planning to take the check, have a friend/co-worker cash it today and have myself a real grand night out on the town at bingo. The friend/co-worker called in sick today, forgetting that this $15 check was pretty damn important to me right now, I've been peppered with phone calls and messages from an unrequited love of mine who I have been trying to shake now for months which is not helping to settle the sulking at all. Just more of the same from him, words that mean absolutely nothing to me. So, that's not pleasant.
I'm going to turn this day around though...I promise you, I will. My girl Stacy and I are going to bingo tonight, whether I have to hawk the damn dvd player or not and we are winning big, and when I say big...I'm not talking little. Later, I'm off to sulk.
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