I am so far beyond frazzled it's silly...this morning I had a major meltdown. It's been stewing since Tuesday night, I'm sure, when I had my first night of class. I have been secrectly freaking out and harboring mass amounts of stress in my little underused brain. I have classes 3 nights each week at school and have to leave right from work...so far the first 2 haven't been so great so I'm hoping the 3rd time is a charm! Tuesday night I got lost going to class, was 5 minutes late...but thankfully the professor was 10 minutes late. Last night, got lost again...going to the same parking ramp nonetheless, and was 20 minutes late. Not cool. Plus, instead of the $5 I expected to pay, it was $9 for 'special event' parking. Not cool. Tuesday night, I got lost leaving (damn one-way MPLS streets anyway), but did better last night on that front.
Had an issue with the bank and 'disappearing' funds again yesterday and today and while it is now resolved, it hit me hard this morning. I was just so frustrated. I've been concerned about work too and the arrangements I've had to make to work around my class schedule...I'm always worried about inconveniencing people. Well, obviously that worked out fine too because it really wasn't that big of a deal...I just work things up to be so huge and overwhelming in my head that I just think it is going to be the end of the world. I don't know why I do this...but I always have. Someday, perhaps I'll learn why and can stop it.
So...the first week of school hasn't been as exciting as I hoped it would be. I'm still stuck in 'Surrealville' with everything...as if it is someone else's body running through campus trying to get to a building she's never seen...or trudging down Washington Ave SE in MPLS past the bars she used to drink in. I don't get it...what am I really doing here? Perhaps I will soon learn.