Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Hitting the Books: Week 2

It's week 2 of school...starting tonight. I'm feeling slightly more adjusted and prepared for the week. I will miss class on Thursday due to a prior commitment, however...I just feel more together. Don't have to worry about getting lost since I hit my quota for the semester last week. Now it's time to get organized and figure out when things need to be done, so I'm not working too hard to hone my skills of procrastination. Trust me, they don't need much honing. I have plenty to do, however, for the TWO classes I have and need to start figuring things out quickly because the weeks seem to get much shorter when they are crammed full like this. It is fun though...I'm trying not to lose sight of that fact!

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Boom Goes the Dynamite!

I am so far beyond frazzled it's silly...this morning I had a major meltdown. It's been stewing since Tuesday night, I'm sure, when I had my first night of class. I have been secrectly freaking out and harboring mass amounts of stress in my little underused brain. I have classes 3 nights each week at school and have to leave right from work...so far the first 2 haven't been so great so I'm hoping the 3rd time is a charm! Tuesday night I got lost going to class, was 5 minutes late...but thankfully the professor was 10 minutes late. Last night, got lost again...going to the same parking ramp nonetheless, and was 20 minutes late. Not cool. Plus, instead of the $5 I expected to pay, it was $9 for 'special event' parking. Not cool. Tuesday night, I got lost leaving (damn one-way MPLS streets anyway), but did better last night on that front.

Had an issue with the bank and 'disappearing' funds again yesterday and today and while it is now resolved, it hit me hard this morning. I was just so frustrated. I've been concerned about work too and the arrangements I've had to make to work around my class schedule...I'm always worried about inconveniencing people. Well, obviously that worked out fine too because it really wasn't that big of a deal...I just work things up to be so huge and overwhelming in my head that I just think it is going to be the end of the world. I don't know why I do this...but I always have. Someday, perhaps I'll learn why and can stop it.

So...the first week of school hasn't been as exciting as I hoped it would be. I'm still stuck in 'Surrealville' with everything...as if it is someone else's body running through campus trying to get to a building she's never seen...or trudging down Washington Ave SE in MPLS past the bars she used to drink in. I don't get it...what am I really doing here? Perhaps I will soon learn.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Back to School

It's Day 1! I have had so many mixed feelings about returning to school but I am happy to report today, nothing is overshadowing my excitement! I am so beyond ready for this, it's borderline ridiculous. I am a STUDENT again, and not just of life! I hope to be a better student this time around too...not that I didn't make the grade or get the work done. I'm just thinking about things like needing to hone in on my procrastination skills, since they were all too existent my last go round. Especially with working FT, I will really have to stay on top of things. But I couldn't be looking any more forward to the challenge...yay me, here we go!!!!

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

School Daze

So, I got all registered for school yesterday. The whole experience was very surreal for me and I'm finding myself much more nervous now than I have been. I mean, I can't believe that in exactly 1 week, 2hrs and 27 minutes I will be sitting in a classroom for what will be my first college lecture in almost 11 years. I am just going part-time to start (and possibly until I finish) since I have to work FT as well this go round. I still have to get with my boss to make some alterations to my work schedule. I was hoping to be able to avoid that altogether but it looks like it's not going to happen. So, I'm nervous about that too. I just hadn't planned on all of these nerves what with all of the excitement that was clearly masking them. Plus, this PT gig is sure feeling like more than PT right now...I'm only going to have one completely free weeknight, on Friday, otherwise the other 4 are booked solid for the next 4-5 months. I will never be home. So, I'm nervous about finding time to study without that occupying all of my free time. I'd like to think my weekends could maybe be about something other than homework. I'll know more about course loads and such next week. The other things I'm nervous about are being on the U of M campus at night 3x's a week. I'm hoping the parking won't be too far away from my classes, but of course I was so tired and overwhelmed after everything yesterday that I didn't even bother to scope out where my classes actually were. I think I'll be taking a bit of a tour this weekend. Oh well...I'm in for the long haul now...here we go!

Friday, January 05, 2007

Oy vay...the egos!

As you may have already surmised, there are many things that bother me about my current employer. Today, it is the highly overinflated egos that abound in my building. Since, I am in the corporate area of our mid-sized company...I have the pleasure of seeing the President, CEO, CFO, Vice-President and Owner/Founder all in my little office building area. Oh and let me tell you...the joy! Although I don't see them everyday (thank GAWD)...I see them enough and I want to vomit when I do. Now, believe me I don't need any affirmation of approval or a nod or anything from any of them, really...I'm just here to do a job and get paid for it, until I can get out of here and do something I actually want to be doing and get paid for that. However, they walk by occasionally when they're not busy in their offices...to do something highly important, no doubt, and their noses are so far up in the air you would think they would suffer from altitude sickness. Whatever...get over yourself people. It's us little peons that make you!

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

The Exercise Element

Every time I get the urge to exercise, I lie down till the feeling passes.
I saw this quote and just busted a gut. That fits me to a "t"! I can't stand the exercise part of the whole weight loss gig...but it's unavoidable for me. Sure, I could lose weight just following this reduced-calorie plan...but it comes off a whole heck of a lot faster when exercise is in the mix. That's just pure science (which, incidentally, I also can't stand). I did finally start the exercise part, albeit two weeks after starting the diet and have stuck to it for 4 days now...yay me! They say it takes 30 days to form a habit...so I only have 26 to go!
And for all those naysayers out there who thought I was crazy to start my diet BEFORE the holidays...I say at least now my scale is tipping 10lbs the right way! Ok, just one more quote...because these are so great!
Inside me there's a thin person struggling to get out,but I can usually sedate her with four or five cupcakes.

Monday, January 01, 2007

The Great Orator

One of my secret delights every year is to discover who the latest contenders (and ultimately, the winners) of the Foot in Mouth Awards will be. These are annually awarded in London by the Plain English Campaign (because who knows English better than the English). The results are usually posted in Wired (great site, by the way). While the winner has not yet been announced, I was able to take a gander at the contenders...and, will wonders never cease...there were several submissions courtesy of Dubya, a veritable treasure trove of just plain stupid observations, to be exact. This was my personal favorite though:

"One of the things I've learned on the Google is to pull up maps. It's very interesting to see -- I've forgotten the name of the program -- but you get the satellite, and you can -- like, I kinda like to look at the ranch. It reminds me of where I wanna be sometimes."-- Bush, asked during an interview with CNBC if he ever googled anybody.

Rest assured, we're in great hands America...after all, not just anyone would allow themselves to be put here: