Friday, September 29, 2006

Time in a Bottle

Dé gracias a Dios es el viernes! For those non-Spanish speaking folks, that's 'Thank God it's Friday' en espanol! actually be able to remember more than just a few key phrases. I remember the 'almost' fluent days...the trip to Spain where I could actually somewhat communicate with them. Could that truly have been 11 years ago? It begs the age old question...'Where does time go'? I've always wanted to stick it in a bottle...maybe not for the same reasons as Jim Croce, however. If I could bottle time...

I'd always be able to drum up that 'field trip excitement'. Come on people...who didn't LOVE the field trips? That excitable feeling right in the pit of your belly, can't sleep the night before. I remember going to the state capitol and thinking I'd never reach the top of those stairs. And once we were inside, felt like heaven, such a wondrous experience. I wish I could still go there today and see it all through the eyes of a child.

side bar: get down on your hands and knees and cruise around your house, or outside, it's a great way to see things as a child does (also an excellent way to child-proof the house)!

with a bottomless well of time I would also...

forever keep that feeling of love generated in the preparation and sharing of a family meal...the soft lighting only the early dusk can bring...shared conversation...laughter, even the tears. Why couldn't I have appreciated those times more when they were actually happening? There are days I would give anything to sit at that table again and revel in those good feelings.

So yes...I would bottle those times, make them readily available to experience firsthand, rather than always having to settle for waxing nostalgic...

Unfortunately, Jim couldn't figure a way to do it and neither can would all of you rocket scientists out there get off your duffs and GET ON THIS! I thank you in advance, and until next week...

Que pases un buen fin de semana (have a nice weekend)!

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Yay-I'm a blogger now!

Life...she never stops, does she? Not even when we do. We just roll with the good and we roll with the bad, we roll with everything in between too. Nobody really gives us a choice in that, do they? Life sure doesn't...she just keeps rolling along with herself.

Well, I'm off to quite the philosophical little start to my blog here. I'm not sure it will get much better, but we're going to give er' a whirl anyway.

I am a single, 35 yr old female who is still trying to find her place in this thing called life that never stops. Well, at least for now, I don't want it to.